Big Maths and Learn-its number progression across all stages


BIG Maths is a teaching approach that makes progress in maths easy and fun. BIG Maths has been extremely successful both nationally and internationally with thousands of children learning through daily BIG Maths ‘CLIC’ sessions and the weekly ‘Beat That!’ challenges.

Big Maths firstly answers the question, ‘How do we get children properly numerate as they journey through school?’ It provides us with an accurate and simple, but highly effective, framework that guarantees numeracy progress. This framework is known as CLIC (Counting, Learn Its, It’s Nothing New and Calculation) and is characterised by accurate steps of progression (known as Progress Drives) that make new learning easy and obvious to children by cashing in on the timeless natural laws of Maths.
BIG Maths is therefore a rigorous, systematic and structured approach that provides children with a fun and lively experience as they learn through jingles, songs, games and the BIG Maths characters.

Big Maths puts the child at the
heart of the learning experience.

Don’t be surprised if your children come home talking about Clic, Pom, Pim, Squigglesworth or Count Fourways.


Big Maths helps children to understand the links between core numeracy (the basic principles that underly all maths) and outer numeracy which is the application of these core principles.

C L I C Sessions

CLIC stands for ‘Counting’, ‘Learn Its’, ‘It’s Nothing New’ and ‘Calculation’. Maths lessons contain each of these elements.



Children will count forwards and backwards in all kinds of steps depending on their level e.g. in 1s, 2s, 3s, 6s or even 25s! When practising counting at home with your child, make sure you go forwards and backwards. Don’t always start at 0 – make sure they can count on from 75 to 106 for example.


‘Learn Its’:

‘Learn Its’ are addition facts and times tables facts. There are 72 Learns Its in total; 36 addition Learn Its and 36 multiplication Learn Its. These are facts that children need to learn off by heart, so when they are asked ‘What is 6+4 ?’ they are able to give the answer as quickly as they would be able to tell you their name. As soon as they know 3×5=15 they also know 5×3=15 (This is known as a ‘Switcher’).  It is expected that Pupils will know all their times tables by the end of P5 so we need your help with this!  HAVE A LOOK AT OUR LEARN – ITS PROGRESSION TO SEE HOW YOU CAN HELP AT HOME.


It’s Nothing New:

This is the most important aspect of CLIC. It is the way children become successful andproperly numerate. The idea that 5-things and 3-things are always 8-things is a fundamental concept. Once children understand this concept, we can change the ‘thing’ to other units, e.g. ‘tens’, so that 5 tens + 3 tens = 8 tens. Children begin to learn the concept by counting random unit e.g. bananas, aliens, cats etc. It then becomes much easier to use standard

measures such as ml, m, cm, kg, whilst understanding the underlying number concepts.


Strange phrases such as ‘Jigsaw Numbers’, ‘Smile Multiplication’ and ‘Where’s Mully?’ are all part of this section of Big Maths.


This aspect of CLIC is when the teacher will focus on developing the children’s understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Big Maths maps out which steps children should do in a clear order and helps teachers to identify where to go back to if a child needs extra support.

Let’s meet some of the
BIG Maths Characters!








Big Maths Beat That is a weekly timed test of your child’s Learn Its. The aim is to improve their individual score each time!

Here is an example:



P2 Homework w.b 21/10/18

Hi all,

I hope you are having a lovely, restful holiday and I can’t wait to see you all again on Tuesday.

Please remember to give your child their P.E kit on Tuesday as we have P.E that day.

The children had their harvest assembly on Friday and it went so well! They had a lot of fun performing it for the whole school. I will post pictures from it this week once I am back in school.

Here is the homework for the coming week;

Reading: Please read the pages that have been written in your child’s green reading record for that date. Children will also be given a list of words to learn. These lists will be the key words that are for the stage they are reading at – the words will appear frequently in their books. Please support your child in learning these words, they can do activities like the ones suggested for their spelling homework to help. Children must be able to read these words quickly in order to move up a stage in their reading books.

Spelling: This week we will still be looking at short vowel sounds (for example,  tap and cat). Therefore, their spelling list will contain a mix of tricky words and days of the week.

It has been so lovely hearing all of the children’s seashore talks, they have worked so hard on them. We had such a hectic week last week with the harvest assembly that we will hear the rest of the talks this week.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller

P2 Homework w.b 8/10/18

Hi all,

Just a gentle reminder that the seashore talks are to be ready for Wednesday so the children can share them this week before the holidays.

P1/2 have their Harvest Assembly on Friday, so it is going to be a busy week of practising and making costumes. Children who have been picked for speaking parts will receive their lines home to learn this week!

Spelling: This week we will be learning the short vowel sounds so the spelling list will contain some days of the week and tricky words to practise.

Reading: Please check your child’s green reading record for the pages they have to complete this week for homework.

Numeracy: This term we have been focusing on numbers to 100 and the numbers that come before, after and in between. Please help your children with counting forwards and backwards from 100 but not always starting at the same number. For example, start at 60 and count backward to 30 etc.

Parents Evening:

Wednesday – Parents Evening from 17:30

Thursday – Parents Evening from 15:30

I will send the children’s PE kits home this week for washing. These have to be returned on Tuesday 22nd October, when the children return, for PE on this day.

Finally, the half-term break is almost here! We finish at the usual time of 12:25pm. I wish you all a safe and fun half term break.

Thank you for all your support this term,

Miss Lauren Waller

p3 Homework W/B 24/9/18

Hi all,

Big apology for homework not having been posted here last week. After being very ill all week it completely slipped my mind and I hope it didn’t throw too many people.

The list we will be working from this week is ‘ph’. In class we have been working on how to make spelling more enjoyable as I found a lot of the kids were becoming quite disengaged so I will be sending home a grid containing some of the new spelling activities we have been trialing in class. Homework will go out on Tuesday and must be returned by Friday to allow me time to look over it. If occasionally they do need more time, as I know some of the children do attend clubs and have out of school commitments, could you leave me a little note in reading records to let me know and it can be returned on Monday.  Can I ask that if your child has lost or misplaced their spelling sheets that you either catch me after school or send a quick note in with your child on Monday so I have time to photocopy new ones.

Hope you all have a lovely week,

Miss Ramsay

Polar Bears

The Vanishing Cream

p1-6 for Tuesday

p6-12 for Wednesday

p12-18 for Thursday

p18-24 for Friday


The Treasure Chest

p1-10 for Tuesday

p11- 20 for Wednesday

p20- 32 for Thursday



p1-10 for Tuesday

p11-20 for Wednesday

p21 – End for Friday


The Finest in the Land

p1-10 for Tuesday

p11-20 for Wednesday

p21- 32 for Thursday



Chpt 1 for Tuesday 

p10- 21 for Wednesday

p22-p31 for Thursday

p32-end for Friday


Snooty Prune

Chpt 1 and 2 for Tuesday

Chpt 3 for Wednesday

p26 – 37 for Thursday

p37 – end Friday

P3 Homework w/b 10.9.18

Hi all,

Our sound this week is silent K therefore spelling homework is from the silent K list on the spelling sheet.  This week we have also been working on descriptive writing so where possible in your child’s final sentences can you encourage them to use WOW words (descriptive vocabulary) as far as possible.

The homework grid I mentioned last week I have decided to hold off on until further notice.

Reading homework for this week is as follows:


The Lie Detector

Chpt 1+2 for Wednesday

Chpt 5+6 for Thursday

Chpt 7 for Friday


Hard to Please

P1-14 for Wednesday

P15-p21 for Thursday

p21 -End for Friday


Survival Adventure

P1-p14 for Wednesday

P15-22 for Thursday

p22-End for Friday


Victorian Adventure

P1-p14 for Wednesday

P15-22 for Thursday

p22-End for Friday


The Laughing Princess

p1-8 for Wednesday

p8-p17 for Thursday

P17 – End for Friday

Polar Bears

Village in the Snow

p1-8 for Wednesday

p8-p17 for Thursday

P17 – End for Friday

We have also been doing lots of work on our two times table in class and understanding that 2 x 4 ,for example, means 2 groups of 4. Revision of this at home is optional but greatly appreciated.

Due to staffing there have been some changes in p3’s timetable and they will now take part in PE with me on a Wednesday and on a Thursday morning with Mrs Wallace. In addition to this we have also managed to secure a music spot with the amazing Ms Grigor on Friday!

Also a quick little reminder that individual and sibling photographs will be happening on Wednesday. Get ready to strike a pose p3!

Miss Ramsay

P2 Homework w.b 10/9/18


Just a reminder that the school photographer will be in on Wednesday! 

Primary 2 will still have P.E on a Tuesday and a Thursday with me on a Tuesday and Mrs. Wallace on a Thursday. This commencing week is ‘Schools Fitness Week’ – this was created by Joe Wicks (more commonly known as The BodyCoach), and he will be creating a new 20 minute HIIT workout over three days for schools to take part in, so I am looking forward to taking part in this and keeping the children (and myself) fit.

Additionally, this coming week is  ‘Maths Week Scotland’ so I am going to join our class on SumDog and I have lots of fun maths activities planned for the week. (The children should all have their own individual SumDog logins in their bookbags! If not, let me know and I can get you a copy.)

Reading – The children will have reading homework on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night. The pages for this will be written inside of their green reading records.

Spelling – This week we will be learning thethsound. I will put a copy of their spelling list inside their spelling jotter for them to practice through different activities (there should be an example list inside this jotter).

Also, Primary 2 will be starting their IDL topic this week which is Seashore! It’s going to be a very busy and fun week!

Miss Lauren Waller


Welcome back Primary 7 – Class of 2019!!!! Eeeeek

Welcome back, I hope you are all feeling refreshed and revised after your holiday.  We have a lot of exciting learning to get our teeth into this term, starting with a short mini-study (or getting to know you unit) of The Unsinkable Ship.  I look forward to making memories with P7 in their last year at Loanhead with laughter, fun and plenty of challenges.

Trips this term are 2 of my favourites – The Risk Factory and the Poppy Factory.  parent helpers are needed.

We began P7 by watching this video of Derek Redmond (Makes me so emotional every time)  and we had a fabulous discussion about challenge, to keep going at whatever speed, to help others along – but not win the race for them, to win our own races.  Really helped set a tone for P7 – never give up!

Homework – The first activity will be to write and present your House Captain speech and because I know how nerve wracking this can be, apart from 20 minutes of reading for enjoyment and some fresh-air time, there will be no homework until those are dun and dusted.

P.E. – Quick note about P.E. and a general hygiene rule mirrored by High Schools.  Pupils MUST have a FULL change of PE clothes – shorts and a top for P.E that are not their daily uniform and supportive sports shoes.  Our classroom is hot and P7 become so attached to their hoodies that they rarely take them off so wearing them to get hot and sweaty in P.E. and then all day is not promoting good personal hygiene.  In P7 it is common for pupils to bring their own roll on or stick deodorant (no aerosols) and pupils are allowed to use these as needed.

I look forward to meeting you at “Meet the teacher” on Wednesday (3.30)

Many thanks

P5 Homework week beginning 4.9.17

P5 Achievement Wall Homework, due for Friday 8th September

I am aware that some children have already completed this activity but for those who have not here are the instructions.

As part of our Health and Wellbeing work this session the P5 pupils are going to create an ‘Achievement Wall’ within our classroom.

The ‘Achievement Wall’ is designed to celebrate the vast and varied talents/skills of our pupils. Each pupil is required to bring in a photograph of them performing/completing their skill or talent. They should then write a paragraph explaining exactly what skill/talent they are proud of and why. These will be displayed upon our ‘Achievement Wall’.

Each child will also be given the opportunity to show us their photo and tell us about their talent or skill.

Thank you for your support with this.


Text chain challenge – see attached sheet.

Primary 5 Text Chain Reading Activity-2iwil5n