P5 Homework week beginning 4.9.17

P5 Achievement Wall Homework, due for Friday 8th September

I am aware that some children have already completed this activity but for those who have not here are the instructions.

As part of our Health and Wellbeing work this session the P5 pupils are going to create an ‘Achievement Wall’ within our classroom.

The ‘Achievement Wall’ is designed to celebrate the vast and varied talents/skills of our pupils. Each pupil is required to bring in a photograph of them performing/completing their skill or talent. They should then write a paragraph explaining exactly what skill/talent they are proud of and why. These will be displayed upon our ‘Achievement Wall’.

Each child will also be given the opportunity to show us their photo and tell us about their talent or skill.

Thank you for your support with this.


Text chain challenge – see attached sheet.

Primary 5 Text Chain Reading Activity-2iwil5n

P5 Homework Guide

Apologies for the delay in getting homework out, unfortunately the school photocopier was out of order last week.

Spelling Homework

Now your child is in P5, they will be encouraged to have greater independence and responsibility for their own learning. Therefore spelling homework will be taken home on a Tuesday afternoon and returned the following Monday morning. This must be checked by an adult. 

Pupils will write their spelling words on a new page of their jotter on Tuesday each week. At home they should use:


to write out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete a green activity card which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional red activity may be completed for extra practice.

Reading Homework

Reading will consist of a variety of activities including Literacy Circles, Novel Studies and individual reading tasks. A library novel will also be chosen by your child.

Maths & Numeracy Homework

Maths/Numeracy homework will be given out on a regular basis to tie in with what has been taught in class. This will be handed out on Tuesday to be returned the following Monday morning.

Topic Homework

There will be occasional homework for topic which may include individual research and class talks.

General Expectation

Please ensure homework book is covered. In P5 we expect children to date work, present their work neatly, and use rulers to draw lines.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Roy & Mrs Watts




Primary 5 homework for week starting 16/01/17


Write all word 3 times each in neat columns. Learn your words, then ask someone at home to test you on them.

P5 Spelling words for week starting 16-2jgbsb2

Scottish Poetry

As part of our Scottish focus in January, all children are being asked to learn and recite a Scottish Poem.  Primary 5 can choose from the 3 poems given.  They will all be given the opportunity to recite these in class, next week.

The Auld Broon Troot-1qkucth

Primary 5 Homework Week starting 12/09/16


1.Write words 3 times in neat columns using Look,say, cover, write and check.

2.Pick 5 words and write a separate sentence using each.  As we have been revising verbs, underline the verb in each sentence.



Choose and do one of the following tasks:

A – House Prices

Find different house prices from adverts in a newspaper, ESPC or the Internet.  List up to 10 prices you can find.  Underline one digit of each house price and identify the value of it using words or figures.

e.g. £984 000

If you underline the 8 it is eighty thousand pounds or £80 000.


B- Space Hopping

Research the distance from the Earth to the Moon and other planets e.g. It is about 384 403km to the moon.

Record your information in digits and in words and write the distances in order.


Chain Text Challenge shall be sent home on Tuesday.