P2 Homework w.b. 19.11.18


******TRIP REMINDER*******

P2 are going to Deep Sea World tomorrow (Monday 19th November), all children who did not circle for a school packed lunch for the trip must remember to bring their own! Please ensure your child also has a snack, as we will be having this before we start our tour. If children are bringing money to spend in the gift shop can it please be put inside a clearly labelled wallet/purse. We are leaving school at 9:15am and will be arriving back for around 3pm. It’s going to be a really fun day!

This week is also Book Week, if your child has a book at home that they are enjoying, they can bring this in for the school’s DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) sessions that will be happening multiple times a day. If not, then we have a wide variety of books in our class library that they can pick from.

On Thursday 22nd November, it is ‘dress up as a character day’! Children are encouraged to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character. I can’t wait to see what they all dress up as – I’m still in the middle of making mine!

At the end of the week, a letter was put into your child’s bookbag about Nativity. It detailed who got what parts and asks if anyone could spare any help with costumes!

A week on Friday (Friday 30th November), it will be the Christmas Fair and P1/2 are looking for donations of any unwanted toys that are in good condition for the toy stall.

We also have the library on Friday, so just a gentle reminder that all school library books should be returned this week!


Spelling: There will be no spelling homework this week as we will be having a revision week of the sounds we have learned so far.

Reading: Please check your child’s reading record for the pages that have to be read on that date. Spots will be given a worksheet to complete alongside their non-fiction book ‘Romans’.

Numeracy: Children will be given another BIG Maths numeracy worksheet to complete this week.

If you have any questions about anything happening this week then please don’t hesitate to catch me at the end of the day or drop me an email.

Thank you for all your support,

Miss Lauren Waller