P4 Homework & Update – September 2020


  • Spelling: pupils have written their new spelling words in their jotter on Wednesday this week. At home they should use:


to write out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete an activity card which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional second activity may be completed for extra practice (and 1 credit card point) but is not mandatory. Completed spelling homework should be returned the following Tuesday to be marked and the next spelling pattern will be given for homework on Wednesday each week.

Thank you to those who have covered their child’s homework jotter using wrapping paper or old wallpaper to help keep it from ripping as it goes back and forth between home and school. All pupils have also been given a plastic folder to help with this transition.

  • Numeracy & Maths: please use the enclosed activity sheet to practise work which has been taught in class. Pupils can write straight onto this sheet so no need to copy into their jotters and this can be returned in their folder on Tuesday of the following week.
  • Reading: all pupils have been allocated a reading book which will go home twice per week to be read with an adult. It is extremely important that this activity is done at home as only through regular reading practice, will children improve this valuable life skill! Please ensure your child’s reading book is returned to school on the date detailed on the bookmark. It would also be helpful if you could initial this when you have heard your child read.
  • PE/Health & Wellbeing: this will be an outdoor activity where possible and to that end, can children please come dressed for outdoor PE on the allocated day each week (see dates below).  An outdoor kit will consist of trainers, jogging bottoms/leggings, t-shirt and outdoor showerproof jacket. We have no changing areas at present so children will wear their kit for the day.
    Date P.E. / Health & Wellbeing Activity Day
    01.09.20 Tuesday
    10.09.20 Thursday
    15.09.20 Tuesday
    24.09.20 Thursday
    29.09.20 Tuesday
    08.10.20 Thursday
    13.10.20 Tuesday

Additional Information

Bird-feeders – P4 have really enjoyed making their individual bird-feeders and placing these around the school and the woods in the Bing. We will continue with outdoor learning throughout September as it has been a fantastic way to help pupils adjust to being back at school full-time.

Diary dates      – Wednesday 16th September 2020, Loanhead Parent Council AGM

Friday 18th September & Monday 21st September 2020, September Holiday

If you have any queries regarding homework or wish to discuss another aspect of your child’s education please contact Mrs Roy or myself by email:



Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

P5 Info – 7.9.20

Hi all,

We had a great science lesson with Mrs Cumming on Monday afternoon and we have P.E./HWB with Mrs Duncan tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday). Please remember that children must come in to school on Wednesdays dressed for P.E. outside.

Homework 📝  (Sent out on Monday and to be returned by Friday)

Reading📚 – The pages/chapters to be read that night will be written in your child’s green reading record. Please sign beside this to evidence that homework has been completed. It is essential that children bring their reading book and records in every day as this is needed to participate in their reading group.

Spelling ✏️ – Children copied their new lists down on Monday. Please complete the list in a ‘look, cover, write, check’ format for two rows in cursive, before completing one spelling menu activity. This can be found on Google Classroom.

Maths/Numeracy 🔢 – This week I have uploaded a rounding activity for the class to complete on Google Classroom. If you cannot access Google Classroom then please do get in touch and I will try to sort this out.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller



Homework 09/09/20 – Maths

Dear Parent/Guardian, 

This week alongside the usual spelling homework there is a maths worksheet. 

This is part of our Big Maths work we will be sending out periodically. I will place a new post when I am giving out additional maths homework. 

This week, it is on a sheet I have placed in each pupils jotter.

There is a 30 second timer at the top of the sheet – THIS IS NOT MANDATORY –  but can be used as an extra challenge. 

Please hand the sheet back in next Tuesday as per the usual homework timeline. 

Thank you, 

Mr Peacock

⭐️Primary 1 8th September 2020⭐️

Primary 1 have been very busy learning our new sounds (this week the sounds are c, ck and e) and using these to build some words.  We have been looking at numbers within 10, recognising these as numerals, amounts and words and counting with fingers. 🖐🏻

Please continue to keep up to date with completion of the phonics workbook at home.✏️

📕 Reading – I am trying to minimise the contact with reading books/journals.  Reading books go into “quarantine” for 72 hours before being re distributed but for reading journals I am going to try to update these weekly with intended reading for the week.  Most groups have 1 or 2 books a week and reading should be done each night along with learning the word cards.  The letter sent out today should help with outlining how we do early reading and some support you could give at home.  We are just in the early stages and learning to read page numbers, explore pictures and spot key words is our focus – children will memorise as per the pictures and this is totally normal and expected in the early reading process.

🧾 I would like to get the Seesaw letters out to parents this week so you can create and account to see some photos of our classroom and our learning.  If you have not handed it back yet then I will be sending another out on Thurs – or you can find a copy of the letter in the website post from the second week.

❕ A gentle reminder that we are a nut free school and that water bottles should only have water in them.


Hello everyone,

Please find below all of p3’s reading tasks for this week.

Polka Dots

The Terrible Birthday Present

Tuesday – Chapter 2
Wednesday Chapter 3
Thursday – Chapter 4

Jungle Shorts

Tuesday – Chapter 1
Wednesday Chapter 2
Thursday – Chapter 3

Storm Castle
Tuesday – p1-8
Wednesday – p9-16
Thursday p17 – 24
Friday (will be read in school) p 24-32

The Go Kart Race

Tuesday – p1-6
Wednesday – p6-12
Thursday – p13-18
Friday (will be read in school)- p18-24

A New Classroom
Tuesday – p1-6
Wednesday – p6-12
Thursday – p13-18
Friday (will be read in school)- p18-24

Lightening Bolts
At the Seaside
Tuesday – p1-4
Wednesday – p5-8
Thursday -p9-12
Friday (will be read in school) p13-16

Last post I referred to Fry’s first 100 hundred words. These are common words that when learnt make a huge impact to fluency in reading and accuracy in writing. Our focus for this term is the first 100 words below.

The websites linked below have great printables and online games which focus on revision of these words should you wish to use them along side any activities you are currently doing.


Fry Sight Words List

This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.A quick reminder that Wednesday is our PE day so ensure your child comes dressed appropriately .


Have a wonderful week everyone,
Miss Ramsay

P6 Info W/B Monday 7th September 2020

Hi all,

Spelling – Thanks so much to everyone who completed their spelling homework on time and took care over neatness and presentation. Children will copy down their new list on Monday.

Maths/Numeracy – I gave out a worksheet  revising  addition with regrouping last Thursday and this is due in on Wednesday. This week we’ll revise subtraction with borrowing and exchange. A new homework  sheet will be sent home on Wednesday.

Every Friday we look at a separate maths topic and recently we have looked at 2d shape in more depth. Thursdays are our problem solving days where we discuss  and try out strategies we can use to solve problems. So far, these strategies  include:

  • Guess, check and improve ( trial and error)
  • Draw it out ( picture, diagram, concept map)
  • Make an organised list, grid or table
  • Act it out
  • Use a simpler case


Reading – We have read up to the end of Chapter 6 in Kensuke’s Kingdom, where the main character Michael is now trying to plan his escape from the island. Kensuke is still hostile yet protective, ensuring that Michael stays safe and healthy but offering no solace or friendship up to this point.

Children will also be given reading tasks in class, separate to this current class novel,  so reading homework will not be set at present.

PE – Tuesday

GLOW  – I tried out pupils’  log-in details (of  those who said they could not access Glow after the password change). There were only two  log-ins that didn’t work  and two pupils still to receive their new details so hopefully this will be sorted next week Everyone else should be able to access Glow through Google Chrome. There is no homework on Glow this week anyway but I’d like to take photos of some work to put into a Slides file so that parents can see lots of our fabulous creations!

Finally, a reminder that the ‘September Weekend ‘ is only a couple of weeks away so no school on Friday 18th or Monday 21st September.

That is all for now,

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Brunt






P7 Info / Homework – Week Beg: 7th September

Hi P7,

Annual Data Check – There are some Annual Data Check forms still to be returned to school. If you could check school bags and ensure these are completed and returned that would be great.

PE – Remember to come dressed in appropriate clothing to do PE on Monday.


This week for homework there will be a maths task, spellings practice and reading, which will be set on Monday morning during our reading groups.

Maths Learning Intention: We are learning to use BOMDAS.

BOMDAS stands for; Brackets, Of, Multiplication, Division, Addition & Subtraction.

Success Criteria: I can use the operators ( x, divide, -, +) in the correct order to calculate the answer.

This should be revision of work learnt in class this past week.

Thanks for your support,

Mr. Nelson

Primary 1 Week beginning 31st of August

The pupils have been enjoying using the Zones of Regulation to help them to discuss their emotions and where they feel they are throughout the day,  they used this language in nursery and talk very well about their “zone”.  There is no negative zone – because emotions are natural, but we talk about the optimum for learning as green and strategies to help get back onto green so they are ready to learn 🙂

This week I will be sending out some books which go over the names of the ORT characters and the first key words.  I have also included flash cards for each child to use at home to learn the words as well.

Pupils should read at home each night – discuss the story and the pictures, look at the words, point out and find words, follow the words with their reading finger.  Flashcards will be sent home for each new stage of the reading books, these should be used regularly to help consolidate learning if possible.

Pupils are learning numbers 1-10 and how to write them, playing games with 2 dice or dominoes will help them to count and recognise numbers and practising formation on numbers would be another worthwhile activity – this is what we have been working on this week.

I have sent home a letter requesting permission to use seesaw app for learning journaling, if this has not been returned I would appreciate if this could be done ASAP. click the link to download seesaw letter or email permission to k.hinton@mgfl.net.

Many thanks

Mrs Hinton