P1 Homework 19/02/18

Hope you have all enjoyed the short break.

Homework this week:

Reading: See the red card as usual and continue to support learning of the words in their word tins.

Phonics: We are moving on to learning consonant blends e.g. br, cr, fl, st etc. Please help your child by ensuring they blend the two letters together rather than saying ‘b r’ individually.

Numeracy we are continuing with counting backwards, if your child can count back from 10 please help them to count back from 12, then 15, then 18 etc. If your child can do this from 20 then extend this to counting back from 30.

Can you help reinforce that two 1p coins is the same as a 2p coin, five 1p is the same as five 1p coins or tw0 2p and a 1p etc. This can be quite a difficult concept to grasp so any additional support is beneficial.

PE: Primary 1 are lucky enough to have a block of gymnastics provided by external coaches but working with Mrs Duncan (PE Specialist). This means that from this week until Easter they will have PE on a Tuesday morning instead of Wednesday.


If you have any junk such as  cereal boxes, tubes (NOT toilet roll), pots, boxes, trays, tubs, lids etc please can we have them as P1/2 are setting up a junk modelling area to help develop creativity, problem solving, construction and design skills.  Also old catalogues, magazines, wrapping paper and birthday/Christmas cards. 

Also if you have smaller items such as corks, bottle tops, jam jar lids, ribbon, string, buttons, beads, glass beads, curtain rings, etc. we would love to take these off your hands too!

If anyone has any boys trousers, girls trousers, girls tights that their own child has grown out of please could you hand them in to us. We need a supply of clothes in case children get wet or muddy and our supplies have depleted recently. 

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming


P1 Homework 12/2/2018

As it is a 3 day week for the children this week I am not sending any new spelling or phonic homework home this week. I have asked the children to go over the words we have been learning in their small green jotter.

Reading: Please see the red card as usual and practise their words.

We are learning about the alphabet this week and the letter names rather than the sounds.

Maths / Numeracy: We are learning about data handling, creating charts, using tally marks and reading charts.

Our topic after the holidays is Toys – we will be looking at toys from the past as well as modern toys.

Thursday and Friday this week are holidays for the children.

Enjoy the short break and we all return on Monday 19th February.

Lisa Cumming


P1 Homework 5/2/2018

I can’t believe it is February already. It was good to see some parents at the drop-in on Thursday night and I think the children enjoyed showing their work too!

Phonics: We have now finished all the Jolly Phonics sounds but we will continue to revise them along with introducing new sounds. This week we are looking at double consonants: ff, ss, tt, ll etc. There will be some work coming home connected to these but please help to reinforce that you only need to make the sound once in a word and to look for these sounds in their reading books.

Numeracy: We are revising doubles and will be learning about fractions of number and of objects.

Reading: Please see their reading card as usual and keep revising their words in their word boxes.

Outdoor Learning: One group still need to have their session that was rescheduled from three weeks ago, these children will be bringing home their forms today. Please check their bags and return the forms with payment by Wednesday. As before, clothing should be warm and comfortable and please provide wellies, hats, gloves and change of clothes.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming

P1 Homework 29/01/18

P1 Homework 29/01/2018

I have been very impressed at how the children have been learning their Scottish poems and thank you for supporting this.

Phonics: We are on the last three Jolly Phonic Sounds this week: ue, er and ar. We will move onto other sound patterns whilst continuing to reinforce the Jolly Phonics sounds that we have learned.

Reading: Please see their reading cards as usual and continue with key words.

Common words: I have given out a new set of common words to learn – these words will really help the children with their reading and writing.

Reminder: Thursday 1st February Parents Drop-in sessions

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming

Parents Evening


This term our parents evening will be a drop in session.  Come along with your child and let them show you around their classroom and share their learning with you.  The class teacher will be in attendance for you to ask questions or chat to about next steps.

If there are any issues that you wish to discuss in a less public setting please make an appointment with the teacher outwith this event.

P1 Homework 22/01/18

Reading: Please check the red card for reading homework.

Phonics: We are revising the past six sounds, these can take longer for the children to learn as they need to recognise that it is two-letters but one sound (the children often want to sound each letter individually). Please help your child identify them in their reading or when out and about and you see a word which has one of these sounds in it: ch, sh, th, qu, ou and oi.

Numeracy: We are learning about doubles to 10 and what double means. Please help your child by asking them questions about these doubles e.g. show me 3 fingers…now double it. How many now? So double 3 is ? 3+3=6.

Scottish Poem: The children have all of this week to learn their poem in Scots. We have talked about saying it with expression and putting any actions in of they want to.

Outdoor Learning: This week all the children will be taking part in Outdoor Learning again on Thursday and Friday. Their previous permission slips will cover them for this week. If you haven’t completed one yet I will send these home on Monday, please return them by Wednesday. Usual clothing applies: No need for school uniform but warm clothes (not jeans if possible), waterproof outer clothing, wellies or boots (that you don’t mind getting dirty), hats, gloves, change of clothes, snack and a water bottle.

Water Bottles: The children get really thirsty during the day please ensure that you send your child with a water bottle so that they remain hydrated. If they don’t drink enough they will get tired.


P1 Homework 15th January 2018

It was lovely to see everyone back last week, I think they have all grown over the holidays!

We will be continuing learning about Scotland this week. I will be sending home poems for the children to learn. In class we will be talking about reading with expression. Please help your child learn the poem and to use expression when saying it. We will be choosing two children to recite their poem at the Scottish Poetry Competition Thursday 25th January. The children have just over a week to learn the poem.

Phonics – we are almost finished the Jolly Phonics programme, sounds this week  qu ou oi.

Common Words: I would like the children to begin to learn some key words that are important for reading and writing. These can be tricky to learn as the children can’t always sound them out. I have given each child a small green jotter, every week I will list the words for the week in this jotter. Inside the front cover I have glued some suggestions of different ways the children can learn these words. On Fridays we will do a simple dictation that includes these words. We will also practise them during the week in class.

Reading: as per their red reading card.

PE is now on Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings.

Tuesday 16th January:  Dentist to check the teeth of children in P1 and P7.

Thank you,

Lisa Cumming

P1 Homework 8/1/2018

Happy New Year to you all. I hope you have all had a fun but restful time over the festive period. Thank you so much for the lovely cards and gifts, they were all very much appreciated.

On Thursday 11th January a group of P1s will be taking part in some Outdoor Learning with Sean Fallon (Outdoor Education Teacher). The rest of P1 will attend on the remaining dates: 25th, 26th January and 9th February. More information will follow regarding this.

We still have lots of work to get through this year so we will get on with it straight away!

Phonics: The children will continue with learning their sounds and we will be focusing a lot more on using these sounds in their writing and reading.

Tues 09/01/18   Ch Reading
Weds 10/01/18    Sh Reading
Thurs 11/01/18    Th Reading
Mon  15//01/18    qu Reading
Tues 16/01/18    ou Reading
Weds 17/01/18    oi Reading
Thurs 19/01/18 recap of all sounds Reading

Reading: Reading books will be sent home as usual with key words where required.  Please continue to help your child learn these.

PE will be on Wednesdays with Mrs Duncan and one other day – I will confirm this but please ensure your child has their kit (t-shirt, shorts and socks if they wear tights) in school.

Music with Mrs Callighan is on Mondays

Throughout the majority of January the whole school are taking part in ‘Scottish Month’ We will be learning about Scotland and the culture and language. The children will be given a short poem in Scots to learn so that they can take part in the Burns Poetry Competition – more information will follow.


Lisa Cumming