P1 Week Beginning 22.5.23

Hi all,

We are going to the National Museum tomorrow (Wed 24th)  for a little look around and a STEM workshop. Please ensure your child is in school uniform with a snack, water bottle and packed lunch. If you ticked a school packed lunch on the form, then you will receive one. 

Maths – We are starting to learn about the names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes. 

Literacy – We are learning how to use the joining word ‘but’ in our sentences.

Thank you to everyone who managed to join us for our second last Stay and Play on Friday. As always, it was wonderful to see you all and get a chance to share lots of learning! 

Thursday – We are going to be going to the Link on Thursday afternoon to do some gardening and have a chance to explore loose parts. 


Reading: Lots of children can’t move onto their next stage books because they have not learned their key words. Please help your child to learn these when reading. As always, pages to be read will be written in their green reading record. If you need any extra copies of key words, or think you might be missing some, then please get in touch. 

Spelling: Your child has to read the sentence and then spell the missing word, as shown by the picture beside the sentence. It is good practise to get your child to copy the sentence underneath. This helps to encourage great handwriting.

P.E – Children have P.E. on Thursday this week. 

Dates for the Diary

P1 Library Visits:

  • Friday 9th June
  • Friday 23rd June

P1 Stay and Play:

  • Friday 16th June (9am – 9:50am)

We are still collecting empty boxes and kitchen roll tubes (plus other similar items) for our junk modelling. This is our favourite part of the craft table! 

Miss Lauren Waller

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