This week is ‘Bike to School Week’ and the children are encouraged to cycle/scoot to school this week. On Friday, they can ‘bling’ their bike or scooter, if they would like to, and it will be judged by the JRSO’s!
Last week, all pupils took home the Learning Trio letters. Please fill out the attached slip and return it to school by Tuesday 4th October.
A gentle reminder, that children should not be bringing toys in from home and if they do, they should remain in their school bags until home time. Thank you.
Reading: Please remember to practise your child’s ORT key words, as they cannot start reading books with words until they are able to read their key words. Pages to be read will be written in your child’s green reading record, please sign to evidence reading has been completed.
Sounds: This week we are learning the sounds g, o, u and the children will be bringing home the sound worksheet to practise their letter formation that same day the sound has been taught. Monday – g, Tuesday – o and Wednesday – u.
Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school EVERYDAY, as we will be doing reading everyday. They will be kept in school on a Friday, in order to have new homework ready for the following Monday.
P.E will be on Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch. Children should bring a P.E kit to school to change into for P.E.
Please label all items of clothing to help prevent anything going missing.
I hope you are all having a lovely weekend,
Miss Lauren Waller