Ice painting

Wow more snow! Hope everyone has been enjoying getting out in the snow. As the snow is continuing to fall and the temperature is very cold why not try some simple sensory activities using ice at home (or in the garden).

You could try making your own ice paints. See instructions and all the items you will need to try this activity in the picture below. If you do not have lollipop sticks you could always use cotton buds.

Or how about painting on ice. Watch the video link to to find out what you need and how to do this fun activity using blocks of ice you have made in the freezer or ice you can find outside.

Both these activities are sensory rich experiences for your child , developing early literacy and numeracy skills. Take the opportunity to explore mark making (text, lines, patterns) , colour recognition, mixing  & making new colours, discuss how the ice froze, or what might happen next to the ice.

So much fun and so many learning opportunities.

The boys and girls in the nursery hope to try out these activities too, look out for our photographs on twitter this week.

Remember to share any learning with us  – by email or tweeting.

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