P7 Homework – Week Beg: Monday 9th November

Hi P7,

Your homework this week includes,

1. Learn your spelling words and complete the tasks.
2. Maths Activity 1 – Fractions Friday. Learn the revision sheet given to you on converting fractions into decimals. (10 minutes would be the minimum I recommend on learning your fractions each week.)
3. Maths Activity 2 – Complete the Mixed Operations exercise on the Google document provided.
4. Continue working on your pupil talk.
5. Learn / prepare notes for our class Remembrance Assembly on Wednesday 11th November.

NOTE: I will provide paper copies for pupils who are having issues accessing Google Classroom. I have reset pupils passwords so they should all be working. If not please remind me on Monday.

Where do I write my answers?
Complete the mixed operations worksheet by editing the google document, or do them on an A4 page, then post a picture of your completed work.


Mr Nelson

🎅CHRISTMAS CARDS – Info and Deadline🎄

I can’t believe it is this time of year, in such strange times it is great to have some excitement.  The children have been busy creating Christmas cards for our annual fundraiser and these should be coming home on 6th Nov.

You can choose the greeting inside, or leave it blank.  It does not have to be Christmas.  We have some Happy New Year cards made or Eid cards made and I like to create Thank You cards for my children to send out after Christmas.  There are many options.

If you wish to order, you must return the order form and design with payment back to school in a polly pocket or sealed envelope.  You can pay cheque, cash or ParentPay.

If you would like a blank order form for siblings etc there will be some spare at the school office.  The cards will be collected by our design company on Thurs 12th, please can you return to school, with payment, ASAP.

This is always a fun fundraiser and the children really enjoy seeing their designs in “real life items”.

Thanks for your support.


Mrs Hinton and all at Loanhead Primary

🎆 P5 Info – 2.11.20


Please ensure that children come to school with a warm, waterproof jacket, snack and water bottle every single day.

🧥Children  may wish to bring an extra jumper in with them as the classroom can get chilly due to having to keep the windows open for ventilation. Please ensure this is clearly labelled with your child’s name.

🎨 Remembrance Day – Wednesday 11th November. P7 and Mr Nelson have asked children to bring in a plain pebble which will be painted with a poppy design and varnished in school. It is hoped that a memorial place for these pebbles will be created within the school grounds. Children can bring these pebbles in this week! Poppies are also being sold from today, it is a suggested donation of £1. 

🏃🏼‍♂️P.E is on Wednesday, please ensure children come dressed appropriately for P.E as it will be outside.

We have just started our class novel – Michael Morpurgo ‘Cool’ and we will be completing various literacy activities alongside it.

All Learning Trio’s will be completed and sent home by Friday 6th November. Please fill in and send back in the slip within the attached letter. Thank you.

Homework 📝

Reading📚 – Pages to be read will be written into your child’s green reading record daily. Please sign beside the date to evidence it has been completed.

Spelling✏️- A new list was copied down this morning. 

Maths/Numeracy 🔢 – There will be a task uploaded on Google Classroom tomorrow morning. I will have printed copies for those who cannot access Google Classroom. 

Hope you all have a lovely week,

Miss Lauren Waller




🎇 P1 News and info – 2/11/2020 🎆

Can you believe November is here? It has been such a strange but quick year!


This week in P1 we will continue to work on our sounds which are “u” and “l”.  Pupils are learning to use these to build CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant) such as cat, rat, mat, hat etc.  This is an activity they can do at home using their green sounds cards.

Reading books for the week are sent home on Monday (Monday: half the book, Tues: other half, Wed: whole book, Thurs: whole book with pictures covered or activity). Please continue to learn the stage 1 and 2 words


Numeracy: We are looking at the number before and after within 10 as well as number pairs that make 10.

Ideas to try at home:

  1. Show me 6 fingers, can you show me it in another way? – can you do it without looking t your fingers/hands in the air?
  2. Can you count back from 7 to 0, can you count to 10 from 4?etc.
  3. Find 10 objects, group them and discuss number stories. e.g. There are 3 leaves and if I add 7 I make 10.


Continuing with people who help us, we are looking at The Emergency Services and how to make a 999 call etc.  We are also looking at harmful and helpful substances.


  • Look out for “report cards” on Tuesday
  • Milk money to be paid by Wednesday
  • Christmas Cards and order forms should be out on Friday
  • Pupils should bring outdoor clothing, layers and gloves etc. If wearing wellies, pupils can bring a change of footwear as long as they have non slip, hard soles and the child can put them on and secure them themselves.🍂

P6 Info W/B Monday 2nd November 2020

Hi all,

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend, despite the strong winds!

Here is some information about what’s coming up in the next few weeks.

Space ProjectHome Learning – Pupil Talk/Presentation.

  • Children have been asked to research and produce a 5 minute presentation with a follow up activity about Space for week beginning Monday 23rd  November. Children can work solo or in pairs. No-one will be forced to deliver in front of the whole class if especially anxious about this. Children can also have time in school to work on this; it does not have to be produced on a computer. An information letter with more details  will be sent home soon.

Remembrance Day – Wednesday 11th November. P7 and Mr Nelson have asked children to bring in a plain pebble which will be painted with a poppy design and varnished in school. It is hoped that a memorial place for these pebbles will be created within the school grounds.

Please bring in a suitable (smooth) stone/pebble ASAP.

Each class will have the opportunity to buy a poppy so children should bring a donation with them.

Children in Need – P6 have been tasked with organising a little fun event for the whole school on Friday 13th November, which is Children in Need day. Details to follow!

PE – Tuesday – Children should come to school with appropriate waterproof clothing for outdoor exercise and play.

Spelling Homework– as normal

Numeracy – There will be no homework sent home whilst work on the Space presentations is ongoing. However, children have been asked to practise times tables DAILY for 5 -10 minutes. The onus is on them to do this, we cannot do it for them! Children should have brought home their own strategy card for ideas.

Reading – All children will get a new book to read in class this week.

Learning Trio Sheets – These were given out on Friday. Please read, complete the tear off slip and return to me.

Many thanks,

Miss Brunt