P7 Homework – Week Beg: Monday 9th November

Hi P7,

Your homework this week includes,

1. Learn your spelling words and complete the tasks.
2. Maths Activity 1 – Fractions Friday. Learn the revision sheet given to you on converting fractions into decimals. (10 minutes would be the minimum I recommend on learning your fractions each week.)
3. Maths Activity 2 – Complete the Mixed Operations exercise on the Google document provided.
4. Continue working on your pupil talk.
5. Learn / prepare notes for our class Remembrance Assembly on Wednesday 11th November.

NOTE: I will provide paper copies for pupils who are having issues accessing Google Classroom. I have reset pupils passwords so they should all be working. If not please remind me on Monday.

Where do I write my answers?
Complete the mixed operations worksheet by editing the google document, or do them on an A4 page, then post a picture of your completed work.


Mr Nelson

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