Primary 5 week beginning 3rd Feb 2020

This week is Miss Clements last week in Primary 5, we are all sad to see her go but wish her all the best in the nursery and primary 2.  Miss Clements will be teaching this week and pupils are learning about the layers of the ocean, note taking and Henri Rousseau.

WRITING -Last week we did some digital literacy on the music video for Titanium, and as a result the writing which came from it is excellent.  Pupils had homework to take this home and edit it – make changes in order to up level it.  Changes should be made in green and their work should have lots of green changes visible – this is an important step in the writing process before publishing.  ALL pupils have this to share with you and I have asked for a parent signature to show that they have discussed this with you.

READING – DAILY home reading for every pupil

SPELLING – Write words 3 times and write 10 sentences to include the words.

MATHS – Pupils have Sumdog challenges and maths targets to work on and if they forget, they should ensure knowledge of all the Learn its – please click the link to see the LearnIts-progresion fromP1-P7. 

LEARNING TRIOS – Take place on Thursday and Friday this week – please email or call if you cannot make your allocated time (

Have a restful and fun holiday! We return back on Feb 17th and the first week back is our health week on substance misuse and emotional wellbeing.


Mrs Hinton and Mrs Cumming

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