P6 Homework – Week Beginning: 11.11.19


I hope you all had a great weekend!

Homework this week is due on Friday 15th November and will be as follows;


This will be a continuation of group reading books and the information is provided in the pupils’ reading diaries. P6 are also continuing to read the remaining chapters of Kensuke’s Kingdom as our class novel.


The new spelling words should be copied into homework jotters and copied 3 times at home. Pupils are then asked to find the meaning of any words they are unsure about and to write a short story (2 paragraphs) using at least 5 of the spelling words.

Health & Well-being – Role Models of Resilience

For our P6 assembly on Friday 22nd November, we will be talking about role models of resilience. These are people that have faced adversities and challenges in their life and found ways to overcome these.

For this reason, I would greatly appreciate pupils’ being given the opportunity to research at home, someone they can use as a role model of resilience. For example, this can be a person from family and friends, a famous celebrity from film/TV or a sports person.

The information should be displayed as a poster on an A4 page and include;

  • Heading – My Resilience Role Model
  • Name of person and a brief background about them (who they are, what they do…)
  • The challenge(s) the person was faced with
  • The strategies that person used to overcome the challenge(s)


Homework for Monday 2nd December

Pupil Talks & Presentations

This term the pupils will have the opportunity to plan and present a talk/presentation on a personal hobby or interest.

This activity gives the pupils a chance to develop their planning, communication and presenting skills, as well as the continued development of self-confidence.

I would expect most pupils to be able to talk for approximately 5 minutes.

The talk can be presented using Power point slides saved on a USB pen drive, handwritten notes, drawings, cue-cards and props/ items from home brought in to discuss.

I have given three weeks for this project to be completed and pupils will be given the opportunity to present to their classmates during class time.

Thanks for your support,

Mr. Nelson


News / Events this Week

Monday 11th November: Remembrance Day

Friday 15th November: Children in Need – Crazy Hair or Hat Day! Donations are greatly appreciated.

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