P4 Homework 4th March 2019

I think the children are beginning to get used to the change now!

Every child will have reading homework to do, I hear reading every day and give reading homework every night. It is important that your child completes this as they will be at a disadvantage when we read as a group because will have missed parts of their book.

Children will write their spelling words in their homework jotter to learn each week. They have been asked to write sentences which will use their spelling words. It does not need to be one sentence per spelling word. They have also been told that they can practise their words any way they choose through the rest of the week.

Numeracy: Please use Sumdog and encourage your child to practise counting on  and back in 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s.

We have started learning about fractions and time in class. We have also started doing French on a weekly basis.

PE continues to be on Wednesdays and Thursdays and swimming on Fridays. The last swimming is on Friday 15th March.


Lisa Cumming

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