P2 Homework w.b. 4.3.19

March already, can you believe it?!?

We are beginning our Fairyland topic this coming week which will be very, very exciting! The friendly dragon may have left something for the children on Monday…

This term we are also focusing on having a growth mindset! It is really important that children are able to value and learn from their mistakes as this will expand their learning and perseverance.

We begin our sessions of rugby tomorrow afternoon – please make sure that your child has indoor/gym shoes and a full p.e kit to take part.

Homework for this week:

Reading: Please check your child’s green reading records for the pages to be read for that night. I can’t emphasise how important it is for the children to be doing their reading homework. The more children read the wider their vocabulary will become!

Spelling: This week is the “ea” sound, such as head, ready and instead. Please encourage your child to write these words in cursive handwriting if they feel ready.

Phonics: The children will have a phonics worksheet to complete, it has a mixture of sounds on it. As this is an additional task, it does not have to be handed in until the following Monday.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller


p3 Homework week beginning 4/3/19

Hi all,

Big apologies for the lack of post last week. As p3 know I can be a little bit silly and I realised I have written last weeks post and clicked save as draft instead of  publish! I didn’t even notice until now as I write this weeks. So once again apologies.


P3 have been learning all about measure and having covered weight and length we are now looking at capacity. A fun activity we are looking to do is to create our very own lava lamps. Similarly we are building lots of models to further our learning in our new ‘Human Body’ topic. If you have any plastic bottles (of any size) at home or glass jars (don’t have to have lids) I would really appreciate if you could donate them to us to help us with our active learning.


Many of the children’s homework jotters went home unmarked as they weren’t handed in on Monday. I will look over them and mark them this coming Monday if they are handed in.


This weeks spelling sounds are is ‘ou’ and ‘ow ‘ as in ‘cloud’ and ‘crowd’ found on list 21 of the spelling sheet . However spelling homework this week is optional. In its place I have sent home a reading for understanding worksheet based on the children’s fairy tale ‘The Enormous Turnip’. Reading for understanding is equally if not more important as reading for fluency. In class, many children have been finding this type of work particularly challenging therefore I will be sending home a new one each week for the next few weeks to give the children more experience doing this.


As normal select a task from the home learning wall. Please remember to colour in tasks after you have done them so I can see what you have done at home and know when to issue a new home learning wall.

New numeracy learning walls next week!


Hedgehogs – Petey

Tuesday – Chapter 2

Wednesday – Chapter 3

Thursday – Chapter 4-5

Friday- Chapter 6 and ‘Some years later’

Pandas – Bertha’s Secret Battle

Tuesday –p3-13

Wednesday – p14-23

Thursday – p23-end

Orangutans – Jungle Shorts

Tuesday –Chapter 1

Wednesday –Chapter 2

Thursday- Chapter 3

Tigers – The Kidnappers

Tuesday –p1-8

Wednesday –p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24-32

Polar Bears – Naughty Nicky runs away

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- Whole book

Friday – Reading booklets

Miss Ramsay