Primary 3 Homework to 21st May

Primary 3 Homework – 15th May to 21st May

In ICT the P3 pupils have been doing fantastic work making presentations on Microsoft Powerpoint. If you would like to see your child’s presentation, please send me in an e-mail address.

In art we are beginning a short project looking at L. S. Lowry.

On Friday the children have the option to ‘dress down’ in aid of the Parent Council’s Summer Fair on 25th May. Rather than bringing money, anyone who wants to dress down is asked to bring a prize for the tombola. The prizes don’t need to be expensive at all and pre-loved items are very welcome.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



We are moving on to weight this week, weighing ourselves and all sorts of other things in class using different kinds of scales.

At home, please can you find and draw objects that weigh:

  • Less than 50g
  • Between 100g and 500g
  • More than 1kg

You could use kitchen scales, or food packaging usually has a weight on it.

If the children enjoyed the time game from last week, our final lessons on time should take us up to playing this at level 4.



Reading grids will come home as usual. Again, if children have already read the pages in class it is still very helpful for you to hear them re-read some out loud. Quizzes may also come home to finish.



For our spelling words, let’s practise the regular and irregular past tense verbs we have been learning about.

Words to practise this week:

walked             crept

stopped           got

crept                came

thought            played

Please could everyone do the usual look, say cover, write and check (twice through the list) and then write sentences using as many of the words as possible.

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