P2 Homework W/B 14.5.18

Hi all,

Homework this week:

Reading – we’ll continue with the poetry books but will have a book swap during the week. I’d like children to practise reading poems aloud, choosing one in particular to recite to the class or their group. This does not have to be memorised.

Spelling – we have completed the spelling lists which feature a sound blend each week. We will now practise words from the ‘First Hundred Common Words’. I will send home new spelling sheets on Tuesday so the red spelling jotters are now redundant.

Numeracy – We have been working on place value to 100 ( tens and units) and to 100 ( hundreds, tens and units). We have been developing mental strategies for adding two digit numbers together. For example: 24 + 12 is the same as saying 20 + 10 + 4 + 2 = 36 and 32 + 17 = 30 + 10 + 2 + 7 = 49 and so on.  I have put a challenge on Sumdog related to this, ‘P2 Place Value’.

Events this week:

National Numeracy Day – Wednesday 16th. Children will have a focus on numeracy in real life. Check out Twitter for updates during the day!

Dress Down Day on Friday – Can children please dress down and  bring a prize suitable for the tombola at the Summer Fair .

PE – Will be on Wednesday and Friday this week.

Library – please return library books and children will be able to choose a new one on Friday 18th.

Deep Sea World trip ( 4th June) – Children were given an information sheet with a permission slip to complete so please return this as soon as possible. Payment can be made to the office, to me or through Parentpay. I’m aware that the cost of this particular trip is high so if anyone has any difficulties paying this, please let me know.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt


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