P3 Homework from 8th May

Primary 3 Homework – 8th May to 15th May

Welcome back after the long weekend. I hope everyone had a nice break.

This week we are carrying on with measure, hopefully completing time and length and moving on to weight.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan




For numeracy I have sent home old Beat That challenges. This will let you see what we do. It would be great to put in a final burst of practice so that everyone can end the year at a high point. A few of the children have plateaued and just need a bit more practice to push up to the next level. The questions at each level are the same every week but in a different order.

Please keep asking children to tell you the time. It is also useful to get them converting between analogue to digital. Most pupils should be solid on o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past (12 hour clock). This week we will make the last step into dealing with ten past, twenty to etc. and AM / PM.

An excellent game for practising time conversions is


I would suggest playing at level 2 or 3 to start with. Hopefully we can play at 4 as the week goes on.



Reading grids will come home as usual. Again, if children have already read the pages in class it is still very helpful for you to hear them re-read some out loud. Quizzes may also come home to finish.




Words to practise this week:

letter               always

young              pencil

earth                story

reason             down

Please could everyone do the usual look, say cover, write and check (twice through the list) and then write sentences using as many of the words as possible.

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