15.1.18 Primary 7

This week in P7 we are having an intensive revision week where we will be doing a lot of mental maths to consolidate square numbers, division, times tables, problem solving etc.  Mrs Caldwell has delayed her test until next Monday so pupils have an extra week to revise the fractions, decimals and Percentages tables they have been working on.  They will be expected to know the fraction, decimal and related percentages (e.g. 50%, 0.5, 1/2)

Pupils all have reading homework but there is no other homework because I have given out a choice of Burns poems for them to choose one to recite on 30/1/18.  I gave them 16 minutes to learn 1 verse and most were successful – this means they have ample time to learn the whole poem if they use time wisely. (Ae fond kiss, Address to the Deil or Adddress to the toothache – some have challenged themselves to learn Tan O Shanter)

In Scots week we have been looking at Scotland’s landscape, natural disasters and plate tectonics.


Now that it is 2018 I have a few dates for you (some parents and pupils have been asking me)

26th June – P7 night in school, usually a DVD and pizza

27th June – P7 Leavers Assembly – Afternoon

28th June – P7 DAY out (ORGANISED BY P7 PARENTS, Previously I have assisted by giving out surveys a parent has made which gives pupils a choice for a day out – often discussed by parents via class facebook, the school can also get costs for buses.  Parent council allocated £15 per pupil for this FULL day to include outing and food)

29th Last day of term – previously parents have organised a piper to be outside the classroom as they leave – photo opportunity etc.

Last year I made an autograph book with the class which they loved, they were about £4 each so this may be something we do again

P1 Homework 15th January 2018

It was lovely to see everyone back last week, I think they have all grown over the holidays!

We will be continuing learning about Scotland this week. I will be sending home poems for the children to learn. In class we will be talking about reading with expression. Please help your child learn the poem and to use expression when saying it. We will be choosing two children to recite their poem at the Scottish Poetry Competition Thursday 25th January. The children have just over a week to learn the poem.

Phonics – we are almost finished the Jolly Phonics programme, sounds this week  qu ou oi.

Common Words: I would like the children to begin to learn some key words that are important for reading and writing. These can be tricky to learn as the children can’t always sound them out. I have given each child a small green jotter, every week I will list the words for the week in this jotter. Inside the front cover I have glued some suggestions of different ways the children can learn these words. On Fridays we will do a simple dictation that includes these words. We will also practise them during the week in class.

Reading: as per their red reading card.

PE is now on Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings.

Tuesday 16th January:  Dentist to check the teeth of children in P1 and P7.

Thank you,

Lisa Cumming

P2 Homework and News W/B 15.1.18

Hi all,

This month, the whole school is having a Scottish focus. We have been looking at where Scotland is, where Loanhead is and what makes us ‘Scottish’. This week, we’ll be reading and writing Scots poems, learning some traditional Scots vocabulary and making a class dictionary about this. Children will all choose one Scots poem to take home to read and learn from memory, if possible. Children will be encouraged to then add expression as they try and recite their poem out loud. We’ll work on this in class but must practise at home too.  I’ll be choosing two confident, expressive pupils to perform their poem at a Scots Poetry assembly the following week.

Therefore, I won’t send home a new reading book for anyone this week but keep reading through current book to the end please.

Spelling – List 20 ‘ea’

NumeracySumdog Challenge – ‘Addition within 20’ There’s a target of 250 this week as I really want the children to become quick at working out these sums. We have been working on various strategies to do this. Children have been talking about the best strategy that suits their thinking.

Money Monday will focus on change from 20p. Fraction Friday will focus on halving even ( and odd) numbers.

PE – Wednesday and Thursday

Library – Please return any books from 2017! Children may choose a new book this Friday.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt


P3 Homework from 9th January

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 9th January

Happy New Year! I hope you all had fun and restful holidays.

As well as getting straight back into maths and literacy, January is Scottish month at LPS. This will be our focus for the first few weeks of term before we move onto our next big topic.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



We are beginning this term by thinking about probability.

To start with the children will be getting used words like “likely” and “unlikely”, and thinking about how we make these kinds of judgements about events in the future.

We will then move on to a more mathematical understanding of probability, thinking about tossing coins and rolling dice.

If you can talk about these ideas at home, that will help the children to become more familiar with the ideas and words.

We will also be starting up our Big Maths this week, with a new set of Learnits. Flashcards for these will be coming home so that children can practice for the weekly Beat That challenges. Remember that the aim of this is instant recall of these basic number facts. If children have to work out the answers that will not be fast enough.



Pages from class books to be read at home will be written down in the grids like last term. Occasionally I may write a question on these grids for you as a parent, asking for feedback about the reading.



Spelling words to practice this week are:

girl                               bird

shirt                             skirt

dirt                              first

holiday                        of

said                              cold

Please could everyone do the usual look, say cover, write and check (twice through the list) and then write sentences using as many of the words as possible.

P1 Homework 8/1/2018

Happy New Year to you all. I hope you have all had a fun but restful time over the festive period. Thank you so much for the lovely cards and gifts, they were all very much appreciated.

On Thursday 11th January a group of P1s will be taking part in some Outdoor Learning with Sean Fallon (Outdoor Education Teacher). The rest of P1 will attend on the remaining dates: 25th, 26th January and 9th February. More information will follow regarding this.

We still have lots of work to get through this year so we will get on with it straight away!

Phonics: The children will continue with learning their sounds and we will be focusing a lot more on using these sounds in their writing and reading.

Tues 09/01/18   Ch Reading
Weds 10/01/18    Sh Reading
Thurs 11/01/18    Th Reading
Mon  15//01/18    qu Reading
Tues 16/01/18    ou Reading
Weds 17/01/18    oi Reading
Thurs 19/01/18 recap of all sounds Reading

Reading: Reading books will be sent home as usual with key words where required.  Please continue to help your child learn these.

PE will be on Wednesdays with Mrs Duncan and one other day – I will confirm this but please ensure your child has their kit (t-shirt, shorts and socks if they wear tights) in school.

Music with Mrs Callighan is on Mondays

Throughout the majority of January the whole school are taking part in ‘Scottish Month’ We will be learning about Scotland and the culture and language. The children will be given a short poem in Scots to learn so that they can take part in the Burns Poetry Competition – more information will follow.


Lisa Cumming

P2 Homework W/B Tuesday 9th January 2018


Hi all,

Happy New Year to you all and many, many thanks for all the wonderful gifts I received for Christmas. Here’s looking forward to another busy and fruitful term.

This month, our whole school will be studying Scotland and so, will be reading, writing, singing and dancing with a Scottish flair! If anyone has any favourite Scottish children’s authors/books or poems you’d like to share, please send these in.

Reading– All children will be given a new book this week, hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday.

Spelling – unless otherwise indicated, the next spelling list is List 19 ‘ay’.

Numeracy – please revise number pairs to 10 eg. 1 and 9, 2 and 8, 3 and 7 etc. This week we’ll look at ‘bridging 10’ so, for example:

6 + 8 is the same as 6 + 4 (10) +4 = 14

7 + 6 is the same as 7 + 3 (10) +3 = 13

PE returns on Wednesday and Thursday this week.  Please remember to bring kits back after their holiday wash! Don’t forget indoor shoes/gym shoes!

Thank you,

Miss Sara Brunt




Happy New year from Mrs H and P7 News

Happy New Year!!! I hope that you all had a fabulous Christmas and New Year – Thank you all so much for your kind words, cards and gifts, you all know me so well!

Apologies for the long post!  I cannot believe in just 6 months we will be finished and P7 will have ended their time at Loanhead Primary.  In the mean time we have a LOT of hard work to do to prepare for High School.  I have been busy building up learning profiles for the children to send to High School with them and transition meetings will be starting where I meet with guidance teachers.

My expectations for 2018 are that pupils will come to school organised – WITH PENCILS, RUBBERS, GLUE, SHARPENERS, HIGHLIGHTERS, RULER, PROTRACTOR and a MEMORY PEN ( we use so much ICT this makes printing it easier). Pupils will be expected to know their homework and make a note of it so, as usual, they should bring a homework diary every day.  At High School pupils homework is given orally and they write it down – they take responsibility for their own learning.  These things are more important that spinners, toys and slime!

Unfinished Work – Pupils will be given enough time to complete a task, if they are not using time wisely (and 2/3+ of the class have finished) they will be expected to take it home, complete fully and have it signed for the next day. I appreciate your understanding.

P.E. (after advice from High Schools) PE will be on Tuesday and Thursdays and pupils are expected to have a FULL change of clothes – top and shorts (no tights) as well as indoor shoes.  No aerosols but roll ons are allowed.  Only about 60% of the class went to PE fully equipped every week last term.  If pupils are unable to do PE they will complete written work on PE.

I have worked out a simpler, and less time consuming, learning record so will begin to use this again – sending it home on Fridays to be signed.  We will continue with shoeless learning because, I believe that it works and we are going to be doing a lot of mindfulness and relaxation which ties in with it.

If you did not see me at Parents Night and require a catch up please get in tough k.hinton@mgfl.net

Homework will usually be given out Mon or Tues but reading will be at least twice a week as well as unfinished work.  Pupils will have maths targets that they will set and are required to work on these in their own time.  Mrs Caldwell is redoing the Maths test on fractions, decimals and percentages (pupils were asked to memorise the table below before Christmas – many never and therefore some of the results were not good).

Please talk to your child about the importance of being organised, on task and respectful.  This is their time to grow, learn and have fun but because it is fast paced with high expectations, there is a plan in place with management to support this.  Social Media had a massive impact on learning last year, please talk with your child about this and the importance of reporting to the police, not sharing images of others or doctoring them to share (both illegal), setting up fake accounts for the purpose of online bullying is not acceptable and the police told them all about the consequences.

I look forward to all of the exciting things we have planned this year and working, with yourselves, to prepare each and every pupil for High School.


Mrs H