P1 Homework and Information Wk Beg: 11/09/2017

The children enjoyed their outdoor learning last week – we have more to come week beginning Monday 18th September.
This week we are having a recap of the 6 sounds we have just learned and we will be looking at how we can use them to make simple 2 and 3 letter words. I am sending home a small bag with 6 sound cards. Please use these to revise the sounds and play games with.
E.G. Flash a card up and ask your child to find something beginning with that sound.
Play I spy something beginning with … flash the card and don’t say the sound unless you need to.
Use the cards to make words, at, it, an, sat, sit, sip, pat, pit pan, nap, tan, tip, tap, tin.
Play Kim’s Game – lay them out face up – child hides eyes, you remove one – which one is missing?
We are continuing with the wordless books and learning about the characters in the Oxford Reading Tree Scheme.
I will send home a piece of paper for the children to make a poster about numbers they find around them, they can draw where they see them (on a bus, on a door etc) take photos and cut numbers out of magazines and newspapers. This is to be returned FRIDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER
We are starting a topic about harvest and with P2 we will be leading a Harvest Festival. We will be looking for donations for this – more information to follow. We will be exploring where our food comes from and how shops and services get the foods we need for our daily living.
Other Events:
Wednesday 13th September: The Midlothian Advertiser will be in school to photograph Primary 1 Please make sure your child has their school uniform on that day.
Friday 15th and Monday 18th September: No School -September holiday.
Can I remind you to ensure that your child has a coat with them every day now that the weather is starting to change.
Many thanks,
Lisa Cumming

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