Welcome to P2 W/B 22.8.17

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a lovely summer!

In this first week back, there will be no homework; we’ll just take time to settle in and find our P2 feet! But please do check your child’s bag every day for letters/info etc.


Just to remind you that P2 will now be in school each day until 3:15pm Mon-Thurs and 12:25pm on a Friday. Start time of 08:50 remains. Please collect your child from the P2 classroom outer door which faces out towards the school reception. This is to ensure that P2 children are collected safely as, with all pupils now coming out at the same time, the playground may become very busy and hectic.

PE– Children require a full PE kit in school ( t-shirt, shorts and gym shoes). PE days will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

This week, we’ll be learning new routines, working together to create a class charter and talking about ‘learning powers’ – strategies we use to enhance learning.

Every week, homework and news will appear on our P2 page and a printed copy of this will also be sent home. I do try to have the web page updated by Sunday evenings.

Thank you,

Miss Brunt




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