P1 Homework 2/5/2017

Reading is as indicated on their reading cards. Please ensure that your child keeps revising the key words as these are crucial for reading to help them with fluency.

Common words: I have attached the next five common words for your child to learn to read and to write.

Phonics: We are revising ou and ai this week.

Maths: We are looking at time, please help your child with o’clock and if they are confident with this half past the hour.

Topic: We have finished Fairyland now and had a wee celebration for this on Friday. We are starting our new topics which I may weave together in parts, these are ‘People Who Help Us’ and ‘Our Senses’.

I hope to organise a trip for our topic, this will depend on the cost of the coach hire. More information to follow soon.

PE: We have two more sessions of gymnastics on the 8th and 15th May. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school.

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