P2 Homework W/B 2.5.17

Homework this week:

Reading– I have restructured my reading programme in class and will inform you further by sending home information in the reading bags. It’ll be a squeeze but I’ll try my best to see everyone about their reading today        ( Tuesday) after missing Monday due to the holiday.

Spelling – List 29 ‘or’  (unless otherwise indicated)

Numeracy – SUMDOG challenge. P2  2X and 10X Challenge 2.5.17 We have begun to explore the 2x  and 10x table which links in very much with previous numeracy: counting in 2s, counting in 10s . We are learning that multiplication is just a quick way to add the same number many times. Pupils will be able to access this challenge in school as I realise that not everyone can access this at home.

PE – We’ll resume our Tuesday and Thursday slots for this week until next week, when P2 will get gymnastics on Monday 8th.

Topic – We will start a new topic this week…to be revealed! We have finally finished ‘Fairyland’ and P1/2 had a wee celebration on Friday to say farewell.

Thank you,

P3 Home Learning

Sorry I did not put the homework last week. All homework jotters have grid stuck in. Homework is due Friday 5th May.

I have updated the primary three homepage. You can find this by clicking p3 along the top of the home page. Here you will find a brief overview of what we are covering in class until summer.

I would be very grateful if you could support your child with learning timetables, number bonds and doubles and halves throughout this term.