P2 Homework W/B Tuesday 18.4.17

Welcome back after Easter!

We’re looking forward to the final term which will take us right up to the summer break; where has the time gone?

This 11 week term will see us finish up ‘Fairyland’ as a topic – we’ll study the Seashore and Loanhead (Local Study). We’ll have a Health Week in June and lots of other interesting things to do. This term also includes a couple of Monday holidays, the Summer Fair, reports and Parents meetings. So, it is busy, busy, busy!

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 27 ‘oi’ ( unless specified otherwise)

Reading homework – there will be no new book sent home this week. Instead, we will do a ‘book study’ in class. However, please encourage your child to read texts of their choice( book, magazine, comic, annual) or read bedtime stories to/with them.

NumeracyJust for fun! I have created a Sumdog Challenge named ‘Halves and Doubles 18.4.17’. It’s a bit challenging as it covers the 2x table, halves and odd/even numbers but it offers a lot of repetition which the children should get the hang of.

PE– Thursday

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt





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