P3 Home Learning WB 06/03/17


Topic-The children are really enjoying studying ancient Egypt. We will be sharing our learning with the rest of the school on Friday 17th March during assembly. I will sent home letters about costumes and also scripts for those who have talking parts. I will also put on the letter a date for parents to come see our performance.


Homework will be a little different for the next two weeks.

Personal Project-Attached is information on an Egyptian personal project. This will be the main homework for the next two weeks. If you have any questions at all please contact me. personal project p3-q3jg9w

Reading- We are continuing novel study on ‘The Twits’ in class. Please continue to read for enjoyment each night.

Spelling- Spelling words in jotter for the next two weeks. Please look, cover, write and check three times. Plus over the next two weeks do two other spelling tasks of your choice from tasks we have done in the past. Or think of your own. Be creative as you like. Please hand spelling in on 17/03/17

Maths-There will be no formal maths homework. However, if you wish to do any extra at home please revise:

  • Telling the time (o’clock, half past, quarter past and to).
  • 5 and 10 times table-if solid with these then move onto 2
  • Money (find the total of sets of coins and change from £1)


Thank you

Miss Prior 🙂