P2 Homework W/B 20.2.17

Welcome back after the February break. Here’s looking forward to the next six weeks of term.

What’s new this term?

  • Gymnastics – P1 and P2 are going to get a block of gymnastics with a specialist every Monday now until Easter so children will need their PE kits every Monday ( and Thursday). Can pupils with long hair make sure they can have this tied back please.
  • French – every class will get a weekly half hour lesson with Margaux, a French language assistant. Children have met Margaux already when she told them a bit about herself and her home in France.
  • New topic – to be revealed later in the week. The electricity topic is finished and the feedback received from the children about this topic was very positive. I plan to share our PowerPoint ‘P2 News’ later on this week.

Homework –

Spelling – List 22 ‘y’ (known as ‘toughy y’ as it pushes ‘shy i’ out of the way)

Reading – continues as normal – check book bags for updates.

Numeracy – On Wednesday I will send home a sheet of ‘add/take 2’  sums to be cut into flashcards and used for ‘quick fire’ recall practice.

That’s all for now…

Thanks for your continued support,

Miss Brunt



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