Happy New year 🙂 It is hard to believe that pupils have a few months left with us at Loanhead. This term I will be encouraging pupils to be as independent as possible and take ownership of their learning. They should know what we are learning, where they currently are, where they need to be and what to do to get there.
E.G. Pupil a might feel they need to learn their 8 times table, try more coding games to understand their robitocs and work on solving long multiplication sums and understanding the process.
Pupils should record personal homework in their diaries – pupils may have varying homeowrk from their peers throughout the week so I will put a rough idea on the website – pupils should know their own homework.
All pupils should have an appropriate book to read in class and they should be thinking reflectively on these. Work unfinished in class often will be sent home.
Pupils must come to school with the correct materials – highlighters, pencils, rubber, glue, ruler, protractor, homework diary, full PE kit, indoor shoes and a warm coat.
More information will come out this month in relation to P7 transition camp and any thing given in school I will try my best to put on the website.