P7 information etc.

FOR 22/1/17 – Learn and recite (with expression) Tam O’Shanter.  We have been working on this in class, have translated it and watched a video.  Some pupils are trying to learn it all but others are choosing at least 15 lines to recite for the competition next week.

Primary 7 have been working on long multiplication (e.g. 367×45) using the vertical sum method and have also been revising short division.  They should be able to show you what we have been doing and explain how they would “work the sums out”.  I have been encouraging pupils to work as fast as possible with accuracy and to finish work in the set times as this is very much a high school expectation – If work is unfinished it will be sent home – thank you for your support.  There is a real need for pupils to learn their times tables and how these times tables fit with division (e.g. 6×6=36 so 36 divided by 6 is 6) Pupils know their own individual targets for times tables (they all have them) and are taking responsibility to learn these.

We are doing a lot of reading comprehension and inferential questioning and will be breaking out into “reading groups” after camp.  Pupils should always have a silent reading book and are encouraged to read a book until the end in order to be reflective.

Please can pupils bring a homework diary because pupils will have individual homework activities that they should record.

I set weekly sumdog challenges and I encourage pupils to try some brain teasing exercises and problem solving like these, should they wish



We are also working hard on our STEM challenges with VEX robotics and pupils have been using “hour of code” and can do so at home.





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