Primary 7 information 5/12/16

Homework for this week is due on the 9th




It would be a great idea to make sure all pupils have a school dictionary for the start of the new term as we will be using these at home and school – this is also a necessity for high school good deal here on Amazon

We also have a reverse advent calendar for Midlothian Foodbank and pupils are bringing in various food stuffs and toiletries to go in with this for the 16th of December.for more information click here

Also for Those who are applying to go to Beeslack High School – I have been asked to mention that the new handbook and transition to S1 details are on their website. Click here

P1 Homework 05/12/2016

Sounds: This week we are learning ‘y, x and ch’. Please help your child to hear the sounds in words and to write them correctly.

Reading: They all have a new book and key words to accompany the book. Please add these to all their other words and keep revising them. When they are reading please encourage your child to have a go at sounding simple words out (not all words can be read like this). They will also be given sentences to read, match them in the book or to draw a picture about.

We are rehearsing the nativity every day at the moment, the dress rehearsal is on Friday morning – the children will perform in front of the whole school.

The main performance is on Monday 12th December, please remember that we can only allow 2 adults per family to attend.

On Tuesday 6th December we will be watching St. Margarets perform their nativity play (dress rehearsal).

On Wednesday 7th December we have the Hopscotch Theatre Company visiting us to do a performance for P1 -P4.


Spelling Homework P6 5.12.16

Monday 5.12.16

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK words twice.

Complete 1 activity from the sheet in your jotter.

Complete sheet  BLUE – ‘ch, th, or’

RED – 10b and 10c

Please complete for Monday 12th December