P1 Homework week beginning 14/11/16

Sounds: This week we are working on reinforcing the more difficult sounds learnt over the last two weeks – ai, oa, ee, or and ie.

Homework will consist of a mixture of work related to the sounds and word building work. Please continue to practice the words that have been coming with their reading books.


We will be moving on to the months of the year and how they fit in with the seasons.


Author visit: P1 – P4 will have a visit from an author, McNicol and Jackson of ‘Badger the Mystical Mutt’ stories, on Tuesday 15th November.

Friday is Children in Need day, the children can wear something spotty if they would like to.

We are holding a school Christmas Fair and as part of this P1 and P2 are responsible for the second hand toy stall. Please remember to send in any good quality, clean toys for us to sell..

Finally the Nativity is well under way – you may have been hearing the songs at home! The children all know the part they are playing, we have consulted with the children and held simple auditions to help us decide which parts they should have.

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