*P5 Scottish week Homework*

Scottish week spelling words scottish spelling p5  – write three times, put in sentences and complete the wordsearch sheet using ten of the spelling words and at least 3 new Scottish words of your own.

Pupils have shortened versions of Burns poems which they are challenging themselves to learn for Friday. scottish poems p5


*Maths,  Pupils should still be focusing on their 7 times table and previous tables as well as thinking about change from £1/

Primary 3 Homework Week beginning 25/01/16

Spelling Homework for Friday

Write your spelling words in 3 columns, using look, say, cover, write, check.

Spelling Words for week beginning 25th January

Scottish Week Homework for Thursday

All the children were given 4 Scottish poems to bring home on Friday.  They were asked to pick one and learn it so they can recite it on Thursday.


There will be no written activities to go with reading this week, just the reading please!

P6 Homework for Miss Longford

Compare Scotland with at least three different countries, at least one in Europe and at least one out of Europe. Research history, climate,  culture: food, daily routines, art/dance. Present what you find in a table/chart in your homework jotter or on a separate piece of paper. 

All groups have spelling homework.

Due: Monday 1st February