P1 Homework- 18.1.16

Just a reminder that children are not allowed to bring toys in to school. Too many children are bringing toys in and these are getting lost or damaged. Please encourage your child to leave these at home.Toys/games are okay in school on Fridays if your child wishes to play with them at golden time.


Writing homework jotters will be collected.

Phonics homework- This week we are practicing the ‘sh’ and ‘ch’ sounds. A worksheet with ‘sh’ and ‘ch’ words will be sent home- please help your child read these words by sounding them out. These sheets should be kept inside the sounds folder.

Reading homework- new reading books will be handed out today please check reading markers. New key words will be added to your child’s key ring please make sure you practice these words at home so that your child recognizes them. It is important that you continue to practice previous key words as well.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.

Maths- We have been learning about money and using coins. A maths homework sheet with Dad, Biff and Wilma will be handed out today. This will be collected on Friday.


Writing homework- new writing sheets will be added to children’s writing homework jotters. These will be collected on Monday.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Maths homework collected.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

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